
Decide is a small virtual reality project I am working on with a colleague at Colgate University. Our mission is to produce high-quality virtual reality content for high-end hardware, leveraging the potential of storytelling in virtual reality by building detailed experiences designed from the ground up for the platform. Decide puts the player in the shoes of a man down on his luck, forced to deal with his inner demons. As the experience progresses, the player is faced with a series of difficult decisions, ultimately affecting the conclusion of the story. Below is the first teaser trailer for Decide.
I am the sole developer and programmer for Decide. I use the Unity3D engine for all development. My colleague provides 3D models, and I turn them into rich environments and scenes. I assembled and implemented the lighting for all scenes show in the trailer above, and screenshots below. Aditionally, I work with the SteamVR SDK to implement all mechanics and gameplay elements. All programming is done using the C# programming language.
This project has been, and continues to be, a growing experience for me. I had no previous experience with both the Unity3D engine and virtual reality development prior to starting this project in 2016. Now, I consider myself proficient in both. I would estimate I have spent almost one thousand hours working in the Unity3D engine over the last year, both in this project and others, and am intimately familiar with development in it. Furthermore, I have gained a significant grasp of the principles of virtual reality development, both in terms of implementation with the SteamVR SDK as well as in terms of design principles behind what makes a good virtual reality experience.